Thursday, March 05, 2015

Ricky's First Holiday {In Pictures}

On the 26th of February Rod and I had officially been together for ten years. To mark the occasion we thought we'd take a trip back to the Midlands where Rod had proposed five years earlier. We also thought it would be the perfect place for Ricky's first holiday, since we had yet to take a family trip after his birth nearly two years ago! The Midlands is a beautiful part of our diverse country, and definitely one of my favourite places to holiday, and the endless green proved popular with our little man who ran around like a crazy person, exploring every nook and cranny. We booked a cottage at Caversham Mill for three nights, and were told upon arrival that we had been moved to a bigger cottage. Our "backyard" led right down to the Lions River, with beautiful views stretching across miles of endless green. I didn't object. 

On the second day we ventured into Pietermaritzburg to visit my Grammy before heading into Durban for a couple hours. My aunt Anne lives in Durbs, so we met up with her for a coffee and a catch up on the promenade before letting Ricky barrel head first into the ocean. If there are two things that Ricky loves, it's sand and water, so he was in hog heaven! We didn't even have a chance to change him into his cozzie before he was waist deep in waves, so we just let him at it. I was quite impressed with his boldness; not once did he cry or run (except into the sea), and when a big wave took his feet out from under him, he just laughed and stood up for more. Needless to say, his battery was flattened by such a busy day and he slept like a log.

The third day, our anniversary, saw us hanging out in the gardens and by the pool, taking a nap, and generally just lazing around the cottage. We had a late afternoon swim, and Ricky loved being back in the water - this time in his cozzie! Our trip was capped off by a lovely dinner at the Caversham Mill restaurant - the same place we ate at the night of our engagement. The most delicious trout I've ever had!


The drive down, sponsored by NikNaks.

The view from our "backyard".

Ricky and his great aunty Anne.

Enjoying the water.

Waiting for another big one to come in.

My little male model.

Little ram loves the water.

Family photo.

Bubble and his mom.

Having a swing at the play area.

That smile!

Fun with daddy in the pool.

Daddy ups!

Loving the water.

The whole family in the pool.

The trip back home - little man loves his calamari.

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