Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Progesterone and Bed Rest

That is what saved my second child's life. Some would argue it was prayer, or God's will, but to be honest I don't put much stock in either of those things these days. No, I put my faith in modern medicine, and my faith was rewarded.

Perhaps I should start at the beginning.

On the 16th of November I found out I was pregnant again.

It was a mere six weeks after my second miscarriage, and I was patiently awaiting my first period post-D&C. While I had dealt with the emotional fallout from yet another loss, I would be lying if I said it hadn't left me feeling a little nervous about falling pregnant again. Rod and I had agreed to wait until the new year before even thinking about trying for another child, and we hadn't been intimate since I had last fallen pregnant. I just wasn't ready. After my last post - my cleansing - with my confidence renewed and my burdens lifted, we indulged in a little morning delight. I thought nothing of it; after all, it had been a month since my D&C, and any day my cycle would resume its monthly dance across the calendar.

But when Fate intervenes, she always has her way.
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