Friday, December 13, 2013

Chewing on Mistletoe

And, just like that, we're thirteen days from Christmas! Where has the year gone!? I'm looking especially forward to the festive season this year - I simply cannot wait to celebrate with my little man! We're heading off to Rod's folks' place in Klerksdorp for a few days to put our feet up and eat ourselves silly. And, of course, open the millions of gifts that everyone has bought for Ricky. My mom is sharing the car ride with us and I'm already starting to question where we'll put everything... But we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. On the first, as per tradition, our Christmas tree went up, and the next morning over breakfast my little magpie did nothing but stare at the bright and shiny ornaments. He was quite simply enamored with it. It's going to be lovely watching him rip the wrapping paper from his gifts, before shoving it in his mouth by the fistful. The toys will come in handy in a few months, but for now the paper will be his entertainment. He can't seem to get enough of it!

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Skinny Bitch

When a woman falls pregnant - and I feel particularly well-placed to make this statement, having been pregnant - it seems that all the naysayers she has ever known crawl out of the woodwork to pour acid on the special time, as if it somehow makes them better or wiser for having seen the world for what it really is. At least that was my experience. What it really made them was rude and uncultured shitheads. Instead of wishing me well, I was showered with comments such as "You know you're giving up sleep for the next five years, right?" and "You're going to lose your figure, I hope you like being fat!" I laughed off most of these brazen and bitter comments, I was ready for a change! I wanted it! If I wanted to sleep through the night or not have the responsibility of caring for another human being 24/7, I would never have had a child. I didn't make this decision blindly.
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